How to Open a Locked car Door without a Key?
You can use any of the tips to open a locked car door without a key. You can discover lots of methods here one by one. You may have a chance to lost or misplaced your car keys. You may have the chance to lock inside the car, it is very stressful. The first method is to open the car using the tennis ball. Take a tennis or plastic ball. Just make a small size while which is accurate in the size of the car lock. Place the ball on the keyhole. Once it is fixed perfectly just push. The air will go force into the hole of the loch, then the car door will unlock. The second method is to open the car using the shoelace. Just pull out your shoelace from your shoe. Measure the lace and make a knot in the middle. Make sure to tighter the knot by pull both ends of the shoelace. Hold the shoelace at the endpoint, and push it into the door. The loop should place around the lock. It is the time to pull up the lace. While you are pull up the shoelace the tighten knot will open the lock.
An easy and effective way to open the locked door

In any situation, you are missing your car keys inside the door, but lock your door. This key missing or locked door with no keys is making you stressed and frustrated. But here is the amazing way to fix your problem. Missing of key at the hurry stage of getting somewhere will create anger and tension. No worry to fix the locked door without a key. You can have one important chance if you are not able to open the door lock without a key. Just make one call to any service provider who is the professional in opening the locked car door without a key. They are having their tool and technical tricks to open your car lock. You can have a chance to open it by yourself. If you are not sure that just get help from a professional. Because while you are taking this action there may cause to make any scratches, dents, and damages.
How to open a locked car door using the air wedge?

If you locked your door but did not have a suitable key to open it, use the strip of plastic instead of getting stress and frustrated. It is a very easy and effective step to open your door. In this method, you should need an air wedge, which is made up of plastic stip. It is a very simple way to open the locked door using the air. Place the air wedge on the door lock. Just pump the air wedge it will open the door very quickly and fast. It does not make any dents, scratches, and other damages on the car door. You can use the inflatable wedge, air wedge, and wood wedge to open the door lock.